Thank You

Just want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the people who have signed the petition. Your comments and commitment are so appreciated. The love and warmth radiating from all the corners of the world for Sammy and Benji is so heartwarming. I can certainly feel it and I hope they can too.

Yesterday, on Valentine’s day, the grandmother of one of the little boys brutally murdered in the Connecticut  school shooting in December offered a simple yet profound insight into the ability to love:

“Love is a talent…a gift that lies dormant at birth and needs to be awakened and nurtured.
Love is a choice. Some of us place themselves deliberately outside the circles. They cannot be trusted with love. Maybe because their talent was never discovered. Maybe because they never had it in the first place…”

Growing up in a home of love and laughter was a gift I took for granted. It is only now, 28 years later, that I fully appreciate just how privileged I was and still am to have such a loving, caring family.

Until I experienced first hand the depths of destruction of which some people are capable -the ability to hurt our children, the most precious and vulnerable members of society – I would never have imagined that some people are simply incapable of the emotions that come so naturally to others. I couldn’t fully comprehend that not everyone was raised with the ability to love. While so many of us are taught to love and nurture, others only learn to hate and destroy.

Even after everything I have been through, I do not feel hatred towards anybody or seek revenge. I am motivated above all by love for my children and the compelling need to re-create my own happy peaceful childhood for Sammy and Benji, for them to be loved and learn to love others.

I am so grateful for your continued loving support and for affirming through words and  actions the stark difference between love and hate. The power of those emotions can truly change worlds.

2years                  AfterPlease SIGN OUR PETITION

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