This mother has agonised for 531 days over her children
Since 25th July 2011, Beth S. (28) has feared for her twins Benjamin and Samuel (3 years old). A judge in the 2nd District Court of Vienna withdrew custody from her on account of a controversial psychologist report.
Every evening Beth straightens the covers on her children’s beds, folds their pyjamas – but the beds of her sons remain empty. The sad story: A judge based her ruling on a dubious psychologist report which alleges that she is mentally ill, took her children away from her – the father, a junior doctor, brought the police to collect them.
This newspaper can now reveal the findings of our research: For months a high court judge (name known) has intervened on the side of the father (the high court judge is a good friend of the ex-husband).
Although in the meantime two further reports have concluded that the mother is perfectly healthy, custody remains with the father. In response to questions why the judge has still not set any court hearing dates for custody despite new evidence with the latest reports in the mother’s favour, the court spokeswoman, Ingrid Weigl replied: “We are waiting for a new report from the Social Services.”
This takes time. Time that the children do not have. Mother Beth says: “ My children are suffering, they are doing very badly with the father. They are traumatised and do not speak.”
Despite continued attempts to get a statement from him, the father of the twins was not available for comment.
Beth with her twins Samuel & Benjamin: The Cambridge graduate only has visitation rights.
Some time later, the Heute published this piece in their newspaper

Analysis: The “Heute” was ordered to pay costs to Dr Schlesinger on the basis that their coverage was an invasion of his privacy. There is no suggestion that anything printed in the original article was not factually accurate.