‘Conspiracy and Corruption’ MPs tell British Government

The full transcript of the parliamentary debate can be viewed online: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmhansrd/chan103.pdf (pages 68-72) or just the relevant pages can be downloaded here:
Some of the most revealing comments:


“I do not usually believe in conspiracies, but in this case the decisions that were taken were so strange that  one has to suspect that undue influence and conspiracy were taking place.” – Mr Graham Stringer, MP for Blackley and Broughton


“The decision to award custody to the father, Dr Schlesinger, is one of the worst miscarriages of justice I have ever experienced during my long period as an elected representative. Beth Schlesinger has been falsely and cruelly labelled mentally ill and an unfit mother, labels both disproved by independent professionals.” – Mr Ivan Lewis, MP for Bury South


“We are realistic enough to realise that it would be entirely inappropriate for theUK Government
to instruct the Austrian Justice Ministry or the Austrian courts on the decision they ultimately make, but there is no question but that there are serious issues to be addressed about a flawed process and, as my hon. Friend said—I will go even further—about corruption.
“The Austrian justice system is not renowned for corruption—it is viewed as modern and transparent—but in this case there are so many questions to answer that it would be entirely appropriate for the UK Government to ask the Austrian Justice Ministry to look at all the elements of the case and reopen it as a matter of urgency.” – Mr Ivan Lewis, MP for Bury South


The full debate can be seen on the Parliamentary archives (the last 40 minutes of the video):



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