The Austrian Justice minister, Alma Zadic, has posted this on facebook. Die Arbeit der Österreichischen Freunde von Yad Vashem ist eine tragende Säule des gemeinsamen Erinnerns und Gedenkens an die Opfer der Shoah in Österreich.Letzte Woche durfte ich an ihrer … Continue reading
Category Archives: Discussion
Here is a screenshot of a post on Facebook during the recent Conference of European Rabbis. In the comments, a representative of the conference stated: “In custody issues in Europe, it is the secular courts of the countries who decide … Continue reading
Taken from their website What is GRECO The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organisation’s anti-corruption standards. GRECO’s objective is to improve the capacity … Continue reading
Here is the blog post describing some of the reasons for the original custody decision: “One of the reasons the Judge cited as grounds to remove the children from Beth’s care, was she Beth was unable to give the children, … Continue reading
Rabbi Schneerson, the leader of Chabad Over the last ten years, there have been many hundreds of conversations with Chabad Rabbis all over the world about the custody case of the Schlesinger twins in Vienna. One recurring theme during those … Continue reading
Chabad Rabbi Biderman of the Lauder Chabad school On 1st March 2022 the following statement was published by the Lauder Chabad school on their facebook page: Lauder Chabad CampusUnfortunately, and unjustly, Jewish institutions in Vienna are being attacked on … Continue reading
August 2021. As a result of contact application. Total manipulation and psychological damage to his own children. These texts ripped out my heart. [The “guardian” is an independent person appointed by the state with the sole responsibility of representing the … Continue reading
“A senior Austrian judge, Konstanze Thau, a friend of the father’s family, sought to influence the judge hearing the case on behalf of the father” MP Ivan Lewis representations to the British parliament, 14 January 2014 Corrupt: Konstanze Thau In … Continue reading
As published on the Daas Torah blog 16 February 2022 15 Adar I 5782 To Whom it May Concern I am deeply distressed to hear that Beth Alexander is still being refused access to her children. As I am … Continue reading
as published on The role played by Jacob Biderman head of the Lauder school in the cover up of the abuse of Sammy and Benji Schlesinger who have been held captive in his school since they were 2 years … Continue reading